Antiquarian bookshops Antiquarian booksellers in Denmark
Libraries bibliotek.dk Frederikberg Library The Royal Library The State and University Library in Århus
Local archives Association of local archives Local archive for Havrebjerg parish
Maps Index of Counties, Districts and Parishes in Denmark Kort- og Matrikelstyrelsen
Online databases arkivalier.online Danish Demographic Database - Danish Data Archive Danish pictures - Historic archive of pictures DANPA - Danmarks National Privatarkivdatabase Passenger lists with danish emigrants in 1800 - 1900's The Danish Emigration Archives The Royal Library - Portrait collection
Portals The Newspaper overview
Private communities DIS-Danmark Hvem forsker hvad? - The meeting place for genealogists! The Danish Association of Family Farms - The Danish Archive of Family Farms The society for Danish Genealogy and Biography
Private homepages Alice & Flemming Gottschalck Asger's homepage Birger Hartman Andersen's homepage Brian Petersen's home page Genealogy Research Denmark - American home page
State archives The Danish Data Archive The Danish National Archives The Danish National Business Archives The Provincial Archives for Fynen The Provincial Archives for Northern Jutland The Provincial Archives for Sealand, Lolland-Falster & Bornholm The Provincial Archives for Southern Jutland The State Archives
Telephone directories Eniro
Tips & Tricks arkivtips.dk Facts about Genealogical Research in Denmark
State/Province/Area - Aalborg
Online databases H. Tønnies' photographic studio
State/Province/Area - Århus
Local archives Local archive in Århus
Maps Map of Århus - 1855
Online databases Building numbers in the old city of Århus Folket i midten
State/Province/Area - Bjørnsholm
Private homepages Thorkild Dalsgaard's Home Page
State/Province/Area - Bornholm
Online databases Parish records for Bornholm before 1814
Private communities Bornholm Genealogy and Local History Society
State/Province/Area - Holbæk
Private homepages Holbæk county
State/Province/Area - Østjylland
Private homepages Bente Feldballe's homepage
State/Province/Area - Ringkøbing
Maps Area information - Ringkjøbing county
State/Province/Area - Vendsyssel
Private homepages Probate records from Vendsyssel
State/Province/Area - Vinderup
Local archives Vinderup Historic Archive